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Artículo seleccionado:
Guantilla Kamikaze modelo WKF / FMK, ligera y cómoda, con protector del pulgar, disponible en rojo y azul. Todas las tallas disponibles. Guantilla oficial, homologada por la RFEK - Real Fede.... (Más información)

· · A R T Í C U L O S · ·

SHIRAMIZU-style DO-KARATE-DO [DCMP-809] Guide DVD to do training of basics of the WADO-ryu karate by Takamasa Arakawa of SHIRAMIZU Shuyou-kai appears. Other than "Idou Kihon", "Kihon Kumite" and "Kata", the application of "Bunkai of Kata" and "Kihon Kumite" are substantial contents, too. Moreover, the basis of "Idori" and "Tantou Dori" are collected. DVD of the recommendation to the person who wants to learn the Jujutsu-Kenpou. All-region (*NTSC only) Color: 90min. *Japanese only. Contents: Chapter 1 Body control. Sensing the center of gravity. Rotation action of waist. Scapula movement. Chapter 2 Basic movement. Jun zuki (Front, Side). Gyaku zuki (Front, Side) Jun zuki no tsukikomi (Front, Side). Gyaku zuki no tsukikomi (Front, Side). Tobi komi zuki (Front, Side). Tobi komi nagashi zuki (Front, Side). Chapter 3 Kihon Karate. Kihon Karate 1 (Point, Application). Kihon Karate 2 (Point, Application). Kihon Karate 3 (Point, Application). Kihon Karate 4 (Point, Application). Kihon Karate 5 (Point, Application). Chapter 4 Kata. Pin-an Shodan (Front, Side, Back, Explanation and Resolution). Pin-an Nidan (Front, Side, Back, Explanation and Resolution). Pin-an Sandan (Front, Side, Back, Explanation and Resolution). Pin-an Yondan (Front, Side, Back, Explanation and Resolution). Pin-an Godan (Front, Side, Back, Explanation and Resolution). Chapter 5 Idori. Ukemi Backward Ukemi (Front, Side). Backward rotating Ukemi (Front, Side). Forward rotating Ukemi (Front, Side). Tedori (Explanation). Zudori (Explanation). Ashidori (Explanation). Chapter 6 Tantou dori. Udekarame dori (Explanation). Kote nage dori (Explanation). Unga dori (Explanation). Chapter 7 Competition Sparring. 1 Foot movement. Ayumi-ashi (Explanation). Tsugi-ashi (Explanation). Practice method Ma-ai Attacking techniques Jodan Kizami zuki Jodan Kizami zuki Jodan Gyaku zuki Chudan Gyaku zuki Jodan Kizami zuki Gyaku zuki Gyaku zuki Ashibarai Jodan Kizami zuki Ashibarai Chudan Mawashi geri Jodan Gyaku zuki Irimi nage Counter attack Chudan Gyaku zuki against Jodan Kizami zuki Jodan Nagashi zuki against Jodan Kizami zuki Chudan Maegeri against Jodan Gyaku zuki Chudan Gyaku zuki against Chudan Mawashi geri Jyun zuki between One-two Jodan Nagashi zuki against Jodan Mawashi geri Oouchi gari while grabbing Mawashi ger Oosoto gari against One-two.

32.12 €

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