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Karategui Shureido, modelo NEW WAVE 3, sin el bordado de la marca, ideal para competidores de KATA de alto nivel y para INSTRUCTORES. Tejido pesado de algodón y poliéster, última generación con.... (Más información)

· · D E S C R I P C I Ó N   A R T Í C U L O · ·

     · Shotokan

22,27 €
(24,15 US$ *)
DVD SHOTOKAN MASTERY por Richard AMOS, vol.5 (Shodan - cinturón negro), aprox. 50 min. Inglés. This volume represents the syllabus for shodan, the black belt level of Shotokan karate. It includes the kihon, kata and kumite for 1st dan with detailed explanations and examples of bunkai (the applications) of the kata Kanku Dai and Jion. Richard Amos has been a professional karate instructor for over 20 years. During his 10-year stay in Japan he opened his own dojo in the heart of Tokyo and taught regularly at the headquarters of the Japan Karate Association. He became the Chief Instructor of the World Traditional Karate Organization in 2000 and now teaches everyday at his dojo in Manhattan, New York. Recomendado por JSKA y WTKO. This series of DVDs presented by Richard Amos brings more than 30 years of dedicated Shotokan Karate practice to students and teachers alike. Its clearly defined structure and powerful format allows students of this collection to build a foundation leading to mastery of this great art. Probably one of the best Shotokan instructional DVDs on the market Richard Amos' technique is unique, powerful, dynamic and precise.

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