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Cinturones negros KAMIKAZE de primera calidad SIN BORDAR. SEDA-SATIN CALIDAD SUPERIOR. Ancho 4,2 cm. Todas las tallas. Etiqueta negra Kamikaze-JKA. Etiquetas especiales disponibles para Shotokan Dento.... (Más información)

· · D E S C R I P C I Ó N   A R T Í C U L O · ·

     · Karate de Okinawa

Más información Ver más información sobre este artículo  16,49 €
(16,99 US$ *)
DVD ORIGINS of SHOTOKAN, Sean R. Marshall, 118 min. inglés. Master Gichin Funakoshi's Okinawan Karate Lineage. Shorin Ryu Roots of Japanese Shotokan Karate. Studying the Okinawan version of japanese Shotokan Karate. This DVD is a very interesting, refreshing and deep research and very inspiring purely individual approach to understanding the origins of today's modern Japanese Shotokan Karate! Contents: Introduction, Junbi Undo (preparation exercises) with appropriate history & development narrated (making certain researched points and conclusions such as summarily discussing the proof that Master Itosu could not have been the original creator of the pin'an kata, and that it appears evident to have in fact been Master Matsumura who devised them, while Itosu altered those originals), Kata & Hojo Undo (complementary exercises), and Bunkaijutsu (realistic applications). Hojo undo: include the makiwara, nigiri game, [make-shift] chiishi (chi-tetsu), alternate ishi-/tetsu-geta/sashi, jari game (sand jar), stones (ishi) for striking, and other methods. 15 karate kata: Naihanchi [ichi, ni, & san] - Kusanku - Passai [dai & sho] - Sesan - Chinto - Wansu - Rohai (Matsumura Seito rohai, rather than Itosu rohai, in this case.) - Jitte - Mariti (chinte) - Niseshi - Sanseru (Uechi Ryu version, in this case, rather than the other sanseru found in Goju Ryu and Ryuei Ryu. Note that Master Funakoshi believed that all karate should be considered as one.) - Useshi (In this case, Matsumura useshi, instead of Itosu useshi or Funakoshi useshi/gojushiho – Itosu/Toyama/Funakoshi gojushiho [dai]; Itosu/Mabuni/Funakoshi gojushiho [sho]). Kobujutsu kata: Wansu no Bo - Masharu no Jo - Passai [sho] no Bo - Masharu no Hanbo - Masharu no Isshakubo - Jitte no Sai - Rohai no Sai - Niseshi no Sai - Pin'an no Kama - Sochin no Kama. The origins of Japanese Shotokan karate have been researched and studied by Sean R. Marshall for a period of more than 8 choosing to focus entirely on the original version of the lineage as brought to mainland-Japan from Okinawa Prefecture in 1922. "I highly recommend this DVD" (Frank Schubert, owner of Kamikaze). Special bonus: All purchases of the original hard-copy edition now include access to the electronic edition (2015) at no extra cost. This is achieved by adding the viewer's email to the list of permitted viewers of the eFilm edition, and providing the customer with the necessary link.

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