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Peto femenino Kamikaze MAXI guard completo (protector + su top ajustable), homologada por la RFEK - Real Federación Española de Karate, Aprobado sello seguridad CE. Todas tallas disponib.... (Más información)

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DVD Karate's Joint Attacks - A ten-stage flow drill exploring the key principles of joint attacks, Chris Denwood, 60 min, PAL, INGLÉS. In this instructional DVD, Chris Denwood, a long time practitioner of karate and bunkai specialist from the UK shows why Joint attacks should be considered as an important aspect in karate for self-defence. Although never our the primary strategy for a real encounter, we should study these techniques so to be able to apply them whenever the convenient situation herefor presents. The sstudy and knowledge of the human body joint system has been a subject of traditional martial arts for centuries. Karate's joint attacks are easy to apply and very effective. Here, Chris Denwood shows a very interesting and special ten-stage flow drill from his own dojo designed to introduce some of the fundamental principles of joint attacks and to provide a solid platform. The role of joint attacks in self-defence. The core principles for all joint attacks. How to attack the shoulder, elbow and wrist effectively. How to apply joint attacks for self-defence or control/restraint. Where joint attacks can be found in traditional karate kata. How to flow smoothly from one joint attack to the next. Supplementary drills for expanding your study further.

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