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AMERICA: Karategui de gama superior y de tejido muy resistente con un corte amplio y moderno. Diseñado especialmente para todos aquellos karatekas que exigen el máximo rendimiento a su karategui pero .... (Más información)

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33,61 €
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Libro CHRIS DENWOOD - Naihanchi (Tekki) Kata: The Seed of Shuri Karate, Vol. 2 - Combative application, inglés, 312 páginas. The heart of traditional karate is found within the kata – this being the very root from which the art flourishes. Naihanchi (Tekki) Kata is one of the classical fundamental training forms in karate and various versions of it may be found in karate (and taekwondo) styles derived from the old Shuri-Te lineage on Okinawa. It is a vital part of karate’s heritage and a priceless gift of knowledge handed down from the pioneering masters of our past. In this thought-provoking publication, Chris Denwood presents his approach to traditional karate through the choreography of Naihanchi Kata, featuring a step-by-step guide to a comprehensive study of the form and an avid exploration of its potential depth. Using five integrated layers of analysis, each volume builds upon the previous and examines in details how the movements of Naihanchi Kata may represent a series of valuable lessons, based on holistic themes and principles that when applied, help to reveal why this seemingly superficial kata has been revered by serious practitioners for generations. Heavily illustrated and rich in content, Volume Two covers the combative application of Naihanchi Kata for civilian self-protection. Chapters detail contextual aims and subsequent considerations, the generation of a core game-plan, plus associated application framework. The methodology of the kata is presented as a logical and flowing lesson plan, integrating key conceptual strategies and essential tactics. This instalment also covers a number of supporting methods by which to deeply analyse classical karate kata in order to get the most from your pragmatic study.

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