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Bordado Logotipo de la marca KAMIKAZE KARATEGI en AZUL en ambos hombros en el karategui Kamikaze WKF Approved de su elección.
Este bordado está disponible opcionalmente para todos los kara.... (Más información)

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Más información Ver más información sobre este artículo  28,23 €
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DVD caja de 2 discos ACORNS TO OAK TREES - Essential Guidelines for Pragmatic Kata Bunkai, Chris Denwood, 120 min, PAL, INGLÉS. In this instructional DVD, Chris Denwood, a long time practitioner of karate and bunkai specialist from the UK, brings together for the first time, five core guidelines from his dojo that are designed to quickly bring enthusiasts from all styles and experience, much closer to understanding the combative teachings of the art via the messages left to us within the traditional forms (kata). Rather than simply a collection of numerous self-defence applications, this is a thought provoking guide to the overarching process and methodology of traditional pragmatic karate. A valuable resource tool that aims to provide a strong bedrock to help support your current dojo training, as well as energetically fuelling further study in bunkai for self-protection and personal safety. RULE 1: Kata is first and foremost a record of combative self-protection methodology. RULE 2: "Concept" and "Motion" always precede "Technique" and "Label". RULE 3: There is no wasted movement in Karate. RULE 4: The opponent comes alive through the embusen. RULE 5: The applications within kata are "examples" to wider teachings. "One of the few who examines our art in the depth that it deserves" - Iain Abernethy "A great karate-ka with a deep understanding of the art" - Matthew Miller "He sets the tone for a truly great dojo that's heavily based in tradition, but not at all stagnant" - Kris Wilder

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