EXPERT OF MATCH VOL.12 -Shin¡¦Kumite Theory- [DCMP-3212] All-region(*NTSC Only)Color: 48 min.
*Japanese and Emglish
ShinŽ¥Kumite Training
¡þMicro-Hurdle Set
¡þStepmaster Set
¡þJump Set
¡þChair Set
ShinŽ¥Flying Kumite
Ž¥Basic mindset
Ž¥Two step Jodan Gyakuzuki
Ž¥Two step Chudan Gyakuzuki
Ž¥Partner practice
ShinŽ¥Chudan Tsuki Study
Ž¥Basic mindset
Ž¥Exercise from the knees down
Ž¥Partner practice
Ž¥One-action Tsuki
Ž¥Jodan Tsuki set up like a Chidan Tsuki
ShinŽ¥Close Combat Fighting
¡þFrom ducking to circling
¡þAttack from the ducking position
¡þAttack from grappling position
¡þGetting close with two attacks
ShinŽ¥The Secrets of Keri
¡þChanging feet
¡þKicking with the front foot
¡þKicking with the back foot
¡þCounter Keri
ShinŽ¥Body Swaying
¡þDuck and sway
¡þDucking counter
¡þSway counter
ShinŽ¥Control with Breathing
¡þTake a breath and move
¡þExamine reactions
¡þTake breath and start
ShinŽ¥The Magic of Tsuki
Ž¥Chudan Tsuki that avoids Kizamizuki
Ž¥Kizamizuki that can¡Çt be dodged by ducking
Ž¥Jodan Tsuki without rotating the waist
Ž¥Not diving down into the Chudan when doing Jodan Tsuki