ARLES CAMP 2015 in FRANCE [DCMP-3715] All-region(*NTSC Only) Color: 157 min. *Japanese and English
Trainig system that has not been seen.
The strategy, movement, and training menu are understood at one view.
Let's share state-of-the-art in the world.
This is an appearance of National coach and active service's world champions' four gorgeous seminars.
Tareq Abdesselem (FRA)/New Kizami - Egyptian Style -
1. Relaxation
2. Relax & Kizami
3. Kizami Gyaku with one leg
4. Training with globes
5. Kizami Uramawashi
6. Corner works
Zabihollah Pourshayb (IRI)/Iranian Style Quick Reaction
1. 4 plus 1 Kizami
2. 4 plus 1 Chudan Zuki
3. 4 plus 1 Jodan Gyaku Zuki
4. 4 plus 1 Chudan Geri
5. How to score in the corner
6. Reaction training
7. 10 seconds left in the corner
Yaser Sahintekin (TUR)/Sparring
1. Reaction
2. Defensive attack
3. Attacking
4. Combination
Haldun Alagas (TUR)/Champion's distance and tactics
1. Keeping same distance
2. Distance drill with Kizami
3. Go in and back
4. Tactics 1
5. Tactics 2
6. Kizami form
7. Control opponent
8. Improve Keri speed
9. Tactics 3
10. Catch and punch
(Extra Movie)
Iranian team warming up by Zabihollah
Share champions' technique
Ž¥Nage using one hand, against Keri
Ž¥Keri with feint
Ž¥Front leg combination
Ž¥Take Ippon on the corner