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Cinturón blanco Kamikaze. Todas las tallas disponibles. Para adultos y niños..... (Más información)

· · A R T Í C U L O S · ·

TOMARI-TE Seminar Introduction to Seisan Vol.2 [DCMP-4604] All-region(*NTSC Only) Color: 92min. *Japanese and English It prepares by breathing, and the COG of the whole body is connected and it is made to move. It invites by eyes, and it strikes, and it receives, and opponent's COG is controlled. Exercise of Say Sun is "movement of the COG." It links with the power poked at a stretch directly!! Contents Concept of Seisan. "Direction of consciousness", "Concentration of COG" and "How to carry COG". How to use Seisan-Dachi movement and posture. Enemy is matched to the balance of my COG looking for the axis. By the interlocking movement of both hands, enemy's whole body loses a balance. Understand "Timing of Tsuki". Understand "Method of evasion". Enemy is deceived by movement and rotation of COG. Study of relative velocity. Theory which raises the power of Keri. What is posture that stabilizes the body and is strong? Storong Tsuki that tightened chest. Ball of COG is rotated, and enemy is destroyed. Invitation for the next movement. What does Kata convey to us?

25.70 €

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