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AMERICA: Karategui de gama superior y de tejido muy resistente con un corte amplio y moderno. Diseñado especialmente para todos aquellos karatekas que exigen el máximo rendimiento a su karategui pero .... (Más información)

· · A R T Í C U L O S · ·

Side story of TOMARI-TE Seminar -Okinawa Kenpo, Competition Karate and Mixed martial arts; The miraculous- [DCMP-4608] p>All-region(*NTSC Only) Color: 61 min. *Japanese and English The important thing is to keep the trunk of your body in place. The most important thing is to not interrupt the flow of center of gravity!! Contents Training Maai 1 (Fighting on the edge) Training Maai 2 (Don¡Çt cut movement of the center of gravity) Training the ¡ÈSecret¡É Nage Combat training 1 (Invisible Tsuki and response, Adjusting center of gravity) Combat training 2 (Tighten up the Maai and get the upper hand) Training Kamae that will prevent your opponent from acquiring a clear target Combat training 3 (From deadlock to Nage and Combat) After training

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