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Un cheque regalo es una magnífica sorpresa para la persona que usted quiera! Ella misma podrá decidir en qué artículo de nuestra tienda desea consumir el importe que usted le ha regalado (35 €). El ch.... (Más información)

· · A R T Í C U L O S · ·

The 60th National Sports Autumn Meet Karate-do Competition. Vol1 [DCMP-642] All-region (*NTSC only) Color: 140min. *Japanese only. Contents: Senior male kumite (Light-weight) - The hightlight scene of the first half-round. Senior male kumite (Medium-weight) - The highlight scene of the first half-round. Junior female kumite - The highlight scene of the first half-round. Junior male kumite - The highlight scene of the first half - round. Senior female kumite - The highlight scene of the first half-round. Senior male kumite (Heavy-weight) - The highlight scene of the first half-round. Half time show Senior male kumite (Lightweight) - Final/Semifinals / The 3rd-place match Senior male kumite (Medium-weight) - Final / Semifinals / The 3rd-place match. Junior female kumite - Final / Semifinals / The 3rd-place match. Junior male kumite - Final / Semifinals / The 3rd-place matchSenior female kumite-Final / Semifinals / The 3rd-place match Senior male kumite (Heavy-weight) - Final / Semifinals / The 3rd-place match Senior male team kumite-Final / Semifinals / The 3rd-place match.

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