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Peto femenino Kamikaze MAXI guard completo (protector + su top ajustable), homologada por la RFEK - Real Federación Española de Karate, Aprobado sello seguridad CE. Todas tallas disponib.... (Más información)

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The 69th NATIONAL SPORTS MEET KARATEDO COMPETITION (KUMITE) 2014 NAGASAKI [DCMP-660] All-region(*NTSC Only)Color: 110 min. *Japanese Only 13-15 October 2014 / Sasebo hysical education culture centre, JAPAN Contents Opening Ceremony Youth Female Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half rounds M.Kama VS K.Yanagisawa H.Shibata VS H.Mikami A.Iseri VS K.Yamaguchi Youth Male Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half rounds T.Ito VS K.Ono K.Ohura VS K.Shimizu R.Okada VS R.Nakamura Female Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half rounds E.Inada VS M.Akiyama E.Honma VS A.Ishizuka S.Higashi VS S.Nakamura Male Kumite Lightweight / The highlight scene of the first half rounds S.Nakazawa VS H.Fukuhara S.Kogushi VS T.Imoto T.Sohda VS Y.Matsumoto Male Kumite Middleweight / The highlight scene of the first half rounds S.Suzuki VS Y.Abe R.Iimura VS R.Ishizuka T.Izumi VS K.Nishimura Male Kumite Heavyweight / The highlight scene of the first half rounds K.Mori VS R,Tani Y.Tanioka VS J.Sohma T.Honda VS D.Tomita Youth Female Kumite / Semifinal(1), Third-place match M.Miyahara VS A.Saito A.Saito VS H.Nakai Youth Male Kumite / Semifinal(1), Third-place match S.Shimajiri VS S.Nakano S.Shimajiri VS R.Narumi Female Kumite / Third-place match A.Nagashima VS A.Kadoya Male Kumite Lightweight / Semifinals, Third-place match S.Araga VS M.Funahashi H.Yoneyama VS S.Tohyama M.Funahashi VS H.Yoneyama Male Kumite Heavyweight / Semifinal(1), Third-place match D.Kondo VS R.Tani K.Kudo VS K.Mizoguchi Youth Female Kumite / Final M.Miyahara VS N.Nakagawa Youth Male Kumite / Final S.Nakano VS H.Ishii Female Kumite / Final E.Honma VS S.Higashi Male Kumite Lightweight / Final S.Araga VS S.Tohyama Male Kumite Middleweight / Final D.Miyamoto VS G.Miyagawa Male Kumite Heavyweight / Final R.Tani VS K.Mizoguchi Team Kumite / Final NAGASAKI vs MIYAZAKI

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