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Karategui Kamikaze Kata, modelo NEW LIFE EXCELLENCE WKF Approved ROJO o AZUL (aka / ao) WKF Approved label - Homologado por la RFEK y la WKF. Con el logotipo de la marca en ambos hombros en col.... (Más información)

· · A R T Í C U L O S · ·

The 71st NATIONAL SPORTS MEET KARATEDO COMPETITION (KUMITE) 2016 IWATE [DCMP-664] All-region(*NTSC Only)Color: 153 min. *Japanese Only 8-10 October 2016 / Iwate Budokan, JAPAN Contents Opening Ceremony Youth Female Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half rounds A.Kikuchi VS H.Unten H.Katagiri VS T.Sumi K.Okuhira VS N.Yamauchi Youth Male Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half rounds H.Akiyoshi VS Y.Kozaki D.Hosokawa VS H.Suzuki Y.Nakamura VS K.Ito Female Kumite / The highlight scene of the first half rounds A.Takenaka VS C.Takahashi A.Ishizuka VS S.Higashi S.Tokai VS Y.Arita Male Kumite Lightweight / The highlight scene of the first half rounds Y.Ohura VS T.Suzuki K.Ikeda VS N.Shikaya S.Umeyama VS K.Tsuji Male Kumite Middleweight / The highlight scene of the first half rounds T.Kitamura VS M.Kashima M.Ohsako VS H.Kawasaki Y.Suda VS Y.Saito Male Kumite Heavyweight / The highlight scene of the first half rounds Y.Iisaku VS M.Okuhira K.Okamoto VS S.Watanuki N.Ishihama VS M.Okamura Youth Female Kumite / Semifinals, Third-place match Y.Sumi VS K.Oryu M.Aiuchi VS A.Yatouji K.Oryu VS M.Aiuchi Youth Male Kumite / Semifinals, Third-place match Y.Sakiyama VS R.Shimada Y.Ishihara VS H.Tachibana R.Shimada VS Y.Ishihara Female Kumite / Semifinals, Third-place match S.Tokai VS M.Gomyo A.Saito VS A.Kitayama M.Gomyo VS A.Kitayama Male Kumite Lightweight / Semifinals, Third-place match I.Nakahodo VS M.Funahashi I.Kitayama VS N.Sago I.Nakahodo VS N.Sago Male Kumite Middleweight / Semifinals, Third-place match R.Ushijima VS Y.Sasaki K.Nakashima VS Y.Yoshiya R.Ushijima VS K.Nakashima Male Kumite Heavyweight / Semifinals, Third-place match S.Gunshi VS M.Ishizuka K.Kamaguchi VS K.Kudo S.Gunshi VS K.Kamaguchi Team Kumite / Third-place match YAMANASHI VS IWATE Youth Female Kumite / Final Y.Sumi VS A.Yatouji Youth Male Kumite / Final Y.Sakiyama VS H.Tachibana Female Kumite / Final S.Tokai VS A.Saito Male Kumite Lightweight / Final M.Funahashi VS I.Kitayama Male Kumite Middleweight / Final Y.Sasaki VS Y.Yoshiya Male Kumite Heavyweight / Final M.Ishizuka VS K.Kudo Team Kumite / Final YAMAGUCHI VS TOKYO

32.12 €

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