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Artículo seleccionado:
Zoris tradicionales de paja natural. Tipo "X". Ideal para usar en el dojo, el vestuario, en casa. Antes y después de clase. Relaja y airea los pies. Tallas: 35/36 37/38 39/40 41/42 43/44 45/46. R.... (Más información)

· · A R T Í C U L O S · ·

ARAGA DOJO 2 -HIGH SPEED STRATEGY SEMINAR- [DCMP-7301] All-region (*NTSC only) Color: 90min. *Japanese only. What is the tactics to catch Japan and the world? The second product which approached in an actual fighting method. Contents: Basis Base and speed Running and basis Agility and quickness Match in the exercise Practice of KUMITE in flow Acquisition of offensive power and counter offensive power. Special present ~Practice system of French expression~ (R.Araga and R.Tani) Match done by own distance Match power is raised in the circuit (Try for all one is worth in having been limited) Shape of own attack is made (Make the basis of the posture and how to enter) To the interstice of match and practice Practice of kick with kick mitt Improve the skill by a KAKARI practice (Be full of it by a blow) Last basics (Hit it hard).

32.12 €

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