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Pantalón blanco Kamikaze, modelo GOSHIN JUTSU. Excelente relación calidad - precio..... (Más información)

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32,64 €
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Libro CHRIS DENWOOD - Naihanchi (Tekki) Kata: The Seed of Shuri Karate, Vol. 1, inglés, 140 páginas. Tekki (Naihanchi) Kata is one of the original training forms and many slightly different versions are practiced today in different styles and schools. For traditional karate the heart of the system can be found through study of kata. Tekki (Naihanchi) comes from the old Shuri-Te lineage on Okinawa. It is a vital part of karate’s heritage. Here Chris Denwood, in his typical thought-provoking way shows us his own approach to Naihanchi Kata, featuring a step by step guide exploring its true depth. Using five layers of analysis, Chris examines in detail how the movements of Naihanchi Kata represent a series of lessons, based on holistic themes and principles that when applied, show why this seemingly superficial kata has been revered by serious practitioners for generations. This volume introduces the Kata and focusses on gaining a solid foundation. It investigates the most important lessons on structure and dynamics to be found within the movements of the form.

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